(Detail from a larger piece )One of the "Three Wise Men" with a handlebar mustache and words of warning, "Listen or Die."
Warrior Cloth Peace Council Living Water Spirit Cloth 48" X 16 ' Private Collection
As a resonant organism made mostly of water we create opportunities for our fluid system to be reset from wilderness. The light of stars forming distant galaxies seems to permeate our fluid bodies, clarifying for each of us the question of- "Why am I here?" In the realm of DreamTech this might look like an antenna unfurling through the tree beings. Try it if you need clarity of vision/purpose.
The Tree Spirits holding us had a lot to teach as we worked. One transmission came through that brought us into resonance with the layer of tissue that encapsulates the gut lining, the mesenteric layer. We evolved it into a movement exploration and will be working with this motif in the "Body Wisdom" series bringing February 1st. Their may be an online version, if the interest is there.

This is me in front of a piece of art (Deconstructed Silk Screen with Living Water, Hand Painting and stencil) recently sold to my colleague, Robin Becker, title, "The Goddess Isis Wants Her Name Back." It was created in collaboration with my niece Roya Sodeifi, art student at VCU.
2016 Teacher gathering at Seven Oaks Retreat Center in Madison, VA. January 13-17th.